How to check whether HACKERS have your password or not?

programming hacking

 Each and every day there are 300 million hacking attempts are being reported. Among them, 6.5 million successful attacks are on personal accounts. So there is a higher chance for anyone social media or any other personal accounts to get hacked and it might be used by hackers for illegal works.

Now imagine that your email address had got hacked,

What a hacker do with your email address?

  • They can steal your financial information like debit card number, etc.
  • They can take all the other account details including password which are connected to your Gmail.
  • They can sell your Gmail to another hacker or any terrorist group.
  • They can use it for threatening people.
  • They can get access to your contact information.
  • etc...........
This cannot be finished listing a few points. There way more things a hacker can do with your email account.

How hackers hack your passwords?

The main type of attack hackers use to hack passwords is known as Dictionary Attack. This attack is used by the passwords list which includes millions of different combinations of letters and symbols. This will check each and every password in the list with your account. When the correct password matches hackers get your password. These password lists are created by Big attacks which cause big companies to leak their passwords.

How to make yourself safe from these attacks.

The one and the only way I know is to check whether those lists contain your password or not. This is easy. Go to the website -
Now type your password on the website and it will show whether those password lists contain your password or not. That's it now you are safe.  

In the future, we are planning to post more information regarding HACKING. Follow our website to get the notification when we post a new HACKING post.

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